Inspired by Paula Gooder's - This Risen Existence
RS Thomas - "Suddenly"
As I had always known
he would come, unannounced,
remarkable merely for the absence
of clamour. So truth must appear
to the thinker; so, at a stage
of the experiment, the answer
must quietly emerge. I looked
at him, not with the eye
only, but with the whole
of my being, overflowing with
him as a chalice would
with the sea. Yet was he
no more there than before,
his area occupied
by the unhaloed presences.
You could put your hand
in him without consciousness
of his wounds. The gamblers
at the foot of the unnoticed
cross went on with
their dicing; yet the invisible
garment for which they played
was no longer at stake, but worn
by him in this risen existence.
Taste and see that the Lord is good,
Taste the aroma of the ripe olives in the air
Taste the dryness of the dust kicked up from the road
Taste the metallic tang of blood in the mouth
Taste the sour wine sucked in anguish
See the leaking of life from the eyes
See the drying of blood on the dust
See the weeping of loved and loving
See the dispersal of curiosity and expectation
Taste the sweet spices and anointing oils
Taste the dull earthy tones of the tomb
Taste the fresh air on sunday morning
Taste the worlds flavours stronger than ever
See the shades and movement of the garden
See the astonished faces of friends
See the hope reborn in empty souls
See the confusion and fears wane
Taste the fresh fish by the lakeshore
Taste the grit of smoke from the fire
Taste the kisses of hard men on the cheek
Taste the meal at the end of the road
See the beginning of a brand new era
See the ripped curtains and fallen walls
See the blossoming of love and forgiveness
See the kingdom come and coming
See the bread being broken reveal life
Taste the wine flowing from the cup
See the hands and side spilt and holed
Taste the bread and the wine in remembrance of him
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Almighty Father,
in your great mercy you gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord:
give us such knowledge of his presence with us,
that we may be strengthened and sustained by his risen life
and serve you continually in righteousness and truth;
through your Holy Spirit.
Risen Christ,
you filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope:
strengthen us to proclaim your risen life
and fill us with your peace,
to the glory of God the Father.
Life giving Spirit,
you lit the spark of new life in the disciples:
help us to shine with compassion and love
for those who suffer and struggle,
and to be a living sign of your radical goodness,
in the name of our saviour and brother Jesus the Christ.
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