A good road will be there, and it will be named "God's Sacred Highway." It will be for God's people; no one unfit to worship God will walk on that road. And no fools can travel on that highway. Isaiah 35:8
We received this passage from our dear friend and sister Jackie (from the Isle of Wight) along with an encouragement to have confidence in the God who walks with us on the road. We are currently taking a season to reflect on the way forward for safespace, for individuals and for the community. I guess one can see it as a calling back together to set off once more on a new stage of the journey. The calling together is also a calling to move deeper into the shape which God has made for us - which others have seen in us (though we maybe find it hard and uncomfortable to see/believe) and which we are being challenged to grow/live into! (as a parent buy's over-sized clothes for a child knowing that the child will grow to fit the clothes in good time) We had a fantastic "Table" this evening exploring this and we ask you to pray for us as we continue to reflect and pray individually and together and as we seek to grasp something of the shape God is preparing for us.
(for more info see the post/letter below)
sorry I didnt make it tonight and probably cant next week. seems people show up when I dont...lol:)
Posted by: jennifer | 12/11/2010 at 00:40