I've never been a big John Spong fan but with some questions about exactly what he means and the place of Christ... I kind of liked this...
I know no faith except Christianity. I walk the Christ-path into the mystery of God, but I do not believe that God is a Christian. Christianity is a noble human system whereby millions of people have journeyed into the mystery of God and trans cendence. The goal of faith is not to become Christian: it is to become whole.
From The Church Times interview
Yes, I liked that bit too ... but in the context of the rest of the interview I felt it wasn't coming from anything like the same place as I would be had I spoken those words with him I'm afraid. Context is king ... and John Spong has clearly walked well off the Christ-path into a belief system of his own desire.
Posted by: Evan | 07/11/2009 at 20:56
for some reason you don't get a ping back for this link - but your post above is quoted HERE
I was trying to locate the full text of the interview you qoute- have you got it anywhere Mark?
Posted by: Greg the Explorer | 10/11/2009 at 04:35
Actually the site I linked to above contains a link to the full interview (if only I'd read the full post before rushing back here to tell you you'd been sited!
Posted by: Greg the Explorer | 10/11/2009 at 04:37