This year Safespace joined with Feig, Grace and Dream to create The Long Worship - a day long (10-6) worship experience focused on Time, past/present/future... as part of the day we prepared 4 small hours liturgies, each around 15/20mins long. They had three elements - 1) the psalms and themes of the Benedictine Small Hours (Terse, Sext, None and Compline) - 2) an element of the Eucharist/Communion (Confession, Peace, Bread & Wine, Sending) - 3) space to read from the evolving liturgy created by the participants ("The Work of the People" or the Wall liturgy - created from 840 words on cards which could be stuck on the wall a la fridge magnet poetry). You can download the four liturgies below...
Technorati Tags: Prayer: Telford: theology: Greenbelt: puppy: Mission: Rhythm: safespace: Greenbelt09: Fresh Expressions: Community: new-monasticism: Spirituality: alt.worship: Poetry: Anglican Church: Church of England: Worship: Bible: Christianity
I enjoyed it and commented on my blog Thanks
Posted by: Phil | 01/09/2009 at 23:10
this is great. i've blogged about it, reflecting on what this looks like as a local pastor in a time-poor society
ta for some inspiration
Posted by: steve taylor | 02/09/2009 at 04:09