Sank•tuary has been getting significant local radio coverage over the last couple of days, I've done a couple of interviews for the BBC and for Beacon Radio here in Telford. This morning one of the shows on BBC Shropshire having been talking about it... the presenter, Jim Hawkins is having a phone in which he introduced by talking about us and another story (about a bulgarian couple whose house has been completely furnished by people giving furniture) which he called "Hats off to Humanity" stories - good news stories about people giving themselves to help others for no gain... he also made a point that both of these stories where instigated by Christians! It was fantastic, really gave me a buzz to here him talking, not because he was talking about us but because in this cynical and "bad news" swamped age Christians where being applauded for being counter cultural, for giving themselves to help others etc. A few weeks back we had a visit from a member of the Shropshire County Drugs and Alcohol team (not our patch as Telford is a unitary authority) who wanted to see sank•tuary and find out if they could open similar projects in Shrewsbury and Oswestry. When he heard that sank•tuary is run by Christians he commented...
All the most radical projects, the voluntary projects that go where others would go are run by Church people. I never thought, in my career, I'd be saying this but... I need to find me some Christians!
Technorati Tags: Christianity: Missional: Radio: safespace: Sanktuary
Hello Mark
So glad you heard the show this morning. As I said, I love stories of people helping each other out, whether it's individuals, families, communities or whomsoever. We tag them `Hats Off To Humanity'. It's a big part of the show, talking about people who are making a difference to people's lives, and encouraging others to do the same, whether on a small or a large scale. We're upbeat and positive about Shropshire and Shropshire people, not least because I'm as fed up with the cynical, bad-news culture as you are. And it's reaching a receptive audience; it's helped make BBC Radio Shropshire the county's most listened-to radio station.
I think it's a vital part of public-service broadcasting to tell the whole story about the county and its people, and that includes the great things that people are doing to help each other. There's far more of that going on than the bad news, but you wouldn't know it from most newspapers and news bulletins. So we're trying to redress the balance as best we can.
I'm always keen to hear more such stories, anything that fits the `Hats Off To Humanity' tag. Email me [email protected], I'm on Twitter as jiminthemorning, or just call in any morning during the show. We're on 96FM, 9am-12noon every weekday.
Posted by: Jim Hawkins, BBC Radio Shropshire | 29/04/2009 at 12:31
I love stories of people helping each other out, whether it's individuals, families, communities or whomsoever. We tag them `Hats Off To Humanity'. It's a big part of the show, talking about people who are making a difference to people's lives, and encouraging others to do the same, whether on a small or a large scale.
Posted by: club penguin | 16/06/2009 at 08:22
I love stories of people helping each other out, whether it's individuals, families, communities or whomsoever. We tag them `Hats Off To Humanity'. It's a big part of the show, talking about people who are making a difference to people's lives, and encouraging others to do the same, whether on a small or a large scale.
Posted by: luxury car seat | 29/10/2009 at 16:12