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Thanks for the link Mark

I am really inspired by this kind of stuff but frequently feel that to walk this path is a lonely uphill struggle and many times I am tempted to walk away and move back into a nice comfortable middle class life.

I think this path was meant to be worked out in face to face community - I am not sure how a dispersed community can work but I am interested and will visit the site

all the best


Mark, thanks for the link.

Rodney, I agree that "this path was meant to be worked out in a face to face community." Our hope is two-fold, first that people might hook up with the Missional Order site as a small group or house church that is already meeting, or maybe a new group would be formed around the commitments. Second, while a face to face is ideal, we hope that this might be an option for those who do not have that opportunity for what ever reason. I thought it was worth trying, but time will tell. Thanks for checking it out! Blessings

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