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I think Gene Robinson is example to us all as a incredibly brave man. God Bless him......

I tend to agree Karen, though I'm not sure I'd go as far as "heroic" my post was really more to do with the paradoxical utterings of Platell.

God cannot bless Gene Robinson until he repents and turns from his wicked ways. It is written that your sin has separated you from your God that He will not hear. Robinson must repent from his homosexuality(sin), ask God to forgive him and then he can be blessed of God. NOT BEFORE!

Interesting mgs... so God's blessing is limited by our action? God cannot bless sinners? Is Grace not a blessing, is the Holy Spirit working in us convicting us of sin a blessing? etc. etc. I think even without talking about the question of Homosexuality, you and I have a very different view of God's power to minister and bless creation and of Grace... but there you go... thanks for the comment.

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