I've never heard of these guys before... but I came across them via "Church Planting Novice" ...
renovo church - mid-ohio
I really like some of the stuff they are saying... especially the two sections on Primary Colours and Discipleship.
Primary Colours A great artist loves to use colors. Various shades of greens, blues, reds, yellows... dark shades, lights shades, even dark black and pure white. Great painters learn to mix primary colors to create new colors giving new beauty and textural depth to their artwork. When speaking of Renovo it would take volumes, pages and pages, to try to explain what we believe is true (orthodoxy) and how we live our beliefs out (orthopraxy). However, if we were to simplify everything we do into it's primary/fundamental essence these are our primary colors (values).
O Authentic Community
O Missional Journey
O The Way of Jesus
Everything we do at Renovo Church is painted by one or more of these primary colors. Our hope and prayer is to live where all three primary colors come together. A pure place where God is glorified most. The place where they overlap/mix. A radiant white.
the Table sharing life together, meeting around the table, celebrating and showing grace towards each other.
the Towel
serving one another, taking care of needs within your Organic Community [OC], and being the hands and feet of Christ in your community.the Text
studying the bible, letting God breathe life into us through the word, wrestling with the text together and speaking truth into each others lives.I find it a huge encouragement (as does the community) when we find others exploring similar themes and struggles in their own community... sure there are bound to be differences and nuances of theology and practice... but it's good news as far as we are concerned... There are definitely echoes of the book we're all reading at the moment (Walter Bruggemann's "Living toward a Vision") in their values and language... so my prayers today are for our brothers and sisters in Ohio.
Technorati Tags: Community: Emerging Church: Missional: new-monasticism
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