One above all other, most powerful, utterly good God,
All the praise, glory, honour and blessing belong to you before anyone else.
They are yours alone, we are not good enough to even speak your name.
May all your creation and its creatures praise you.
First and foremost, Brother Sun.
Who brings the day, and who you created to shine light on life.
He is beautiful and radiant in all his splendour.
His majesty points to you.
Sister Moon too, shouts your name,
And the stars of the whole universe as you formed them,
Shining clear and precious and beautiful.
In Brother Wind blows the sound of your name,
Through the air, stormy and still,
And every kind of weather, which feeds and waters the land,
Sustaining the tapestry of the life you created.
Sister Water praises you too,
Water, which is vital to life,
simple and yet precious and pure.
Praise to you is heard in the roar of Brother Fire,
Through him you give light and warmth in the dark, cold night,
He is entrancing, playful yet powerful, even dangerous.
Sister, Mother Earth, on whom life flourishes,
She who provides the rhythm of life and the sustenance we need,
Her rich colours, sweet flavours, and aromatic herbs,
Paint a picture of your goodness.
We lift our eyes to you,
Through the stories of those who suffer,
And endure pain who yet still love you,
Through the peace of those great people,
Who deserve your honour above the rest of us.
Even in Sister Death, the death of our bodies,
Which is inescapable for every single one of us,
We sing the greatness of your name.
It is terrible to die in the grip of greed and selfish living
Yet those who die in the knowledge of your great love and purpose,
Even though they too cannot escape the death of the body,
They will continue to live with you, they have nothing further to fear.
We shout your name out loud,
We thank you for all life,
May we follow you and serve your purpose with the utmost humility.
Technorati Tags: alt.worship: environment: Poetry: Prayer: Religion: Spirituality: Worship
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