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Good point, well made, have linked.

Well, that's higher than I expected - I was going to go for about 8%.

The funny thing was that all the teenagers they asked got it right... +/- 5%

Good post Mark.
Have you seen this http://fyt.org.uk/showdetails,pdf,64.htm

Where would the media be without easy marks. On the upside I read a few weeks ago that some industry pundits are predicting print mass media has less than 20 years to go. Not sure whether to believe that but it gives me a warm fuzzy where trash media is concerned.

Teenage crime seems to be everywhere in the media at the moment. I work for a children's publishers, Egmont, and we have to move with the times on subjects censored in the past. We have a new teen novel called Sugarcoated (Cathy Forde) out next month which deals with a teenage girl's reaction to witnessing a violent crime. As a result, I'm looking to find out how teenagers really feel about crime today and I've set up a poll on Sugarcoated's Bebo page www.bebo.co.uk/sugarcoatedthebook
If you know any teens please do direct them to the page as I think it would be really interesting to hear from those at the centre of all this media attention.
Cheers, Vicki G, Egmont Press

Great post!

I have posted something similar here: http://www.ficklefable.com/?p=29
Although I took a more general look at the level of fear created by the media generally.

Hope you like it.

Jonathan Lewis

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