another bit of post summer news is that our book, along with some other fantastic resources have now been published by Proost at £7 for a hard copy and £3.50 for a downloadable pdf document or you can subscribe and receive full access to the proost download catalogue. All proceeds we raise go into the community, our giving and our mission activities.
Technorati Tags: alt.worship: Books: Celtic: Mission: Poetry: Prayer: St Brendan: Worship
Welcome back. I like the new site design. I see on lulu that teh sales ranking for youir book is 27355. I'll be getting my copy soon with hopes that it will boost you up the rankings :-)
Posted by: mike | 20/10/2007 at 21:49
er... thanks Mike... I think ;-)
Posted by: Mark | 23/10/2007 at 14:20