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I visited Lastingham for a pilgrimage a couple of years ago. It is a wonderful 'thin place', with a nice pub! Cedd's brother Chad followed him as abbot of Lastingham. On my visit there it was a privilege to sit in the crypt of the church and use the Chad liturgy from the Northumbria Community prayer book. Part of it says this

You pour life into me,
Giving me speech, sense, desire,
Giving me thought and action.
My fame or repute will be
Just as You allow:
You mark the way before me.

If you get the opportunity to visit the place do. Reading your post reminded me of the visit and the prayers thank you.

Richard, its pleasure... it was one of those wierd posts... when I wasn't really sure why I was posting it, other than it was his saints day and he was our (Lichfield Diocese) Chadd's brother... so I'm really pleased that you got something from it... and thanks for the info... We must try to get there!

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