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Ah yes, this looks like the best place to put this.... to give a quick word of thanks for the Set Sail installation.

Rather lost in the busyness of New Forms, I was saddened to see that not many seemed to be drawn to it. I spent a very thought provoking time there in between two of the New Forms sessions and really found it most helpful and challenging

Thanks for doing it Mark. Just wanted to let you know that it was appreciated!

Many thanks Paul, we got quite abit of positive feedback re. the installation... and from what I heard it got quite a bit of use... I feel fortunate in terms of the position... I think we did better than some of the others (including the awesome Si Smith) who got stuck in the 'exit' due to security moving the entrance to the outside stairs... although they did get 'custom' from both venues!

I too thought the NFcafe was great but felt it needed to be more of a cafe and less of a venue... i.e. a revolving door rather than the 'count them in and count them out' that was forced on the crew... perhaps some more time in the schedule with nothing timetabled, but the cafe open... it could jhave been much more opf a networking space. But Ian and Ben are aware of its pros and cons... expect to see the best bits with some improvements next year!

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