Talking of the BBC, BBC2 starts screening the second series of the awesome 'Tribe' tonight (I have blogged about the programme previously) There are three episodes each an hour long on successive Sunday evenings at 9pm!
The explorer/film maker Bruce Parry (from Endeavour Productions) lives with three warring tribes from the Omo Valley, Ethiopia beginning with the Nyangatom, then The Hamar next week then finally The Dassenatch and Deas tribes. Parry is incredible, his attitude to the indigenous communities and their customs is so respectful, he comes across as having a genuine love for the people and their stories. Iwas so impressed with the first series that I wrote to Parry to congratulate him, not only on the films themselves but on the way he reacted to and treated the people... i.e. not as some savage throwback or as anthropological specimens but as real people trying to survive in a particular environment with the tension between traditions and the ever faster encroaching 'modern world'.This series has been made with Discovery USA so should be shown at some point on Discovery... and series 3 in currently in production! If you have any doubt whether this is your bag... watch, you can always turn over!
Technorati Tags: Culture: Television
Great TV. His willingness to spear a cow so as not to cause offence and then to drink and spray its blood was particularly inmpressive. Now that's engaging with another culture.
Posted by: St | 18/07/2006 at 17:31
This is one of my favorite shows. I'm really impressed with him as well. He's a great example for what cross cultural interaction should look like today.
Posted by: johnsmulo | 21/07/2006 at 18:08