Congratulations to all involved in Manchester Passion... Personally I thought it was excellent and extremely powerful ... highlights - Jesus singing 'Sit down' by James, in the "Garden" - Wow! and Judas singing 'Heaven knows I'm Miserable now' by The Smiths, after leaving the supper - superb! Keith Allan was fantastic as narrator becoming Pilate (making the point that each one of us condemns Jesus to die!) The Guantanomo Bay Orange Overalls were pretty unsubtle... but appropriate! And of course finishing with Jesus high up on the clock tower singing/shouting The Stone Roses 'I am the Resurrection' - obvious but perfect!
[Update] well it looks like it went down well judging by the number of people who have visited here by googling some variation on "Manchester passion" - BTW I only came across one blogger who hated it... some of his/her reasons are good - Wonderwall didn't really work for me either! Although strangely very little mention of the fact Robbie Williams 'Angels' featured heavily... and he is from Stoke not Manchester???
(screen-shots below)
Technorati Tags: Spirituality: Television
I managed to catch the 'Manchester Passion', and thought it was amazing. I think the whole production has had such a positive effect in helping show how contemporary secular culture is full of spiritual attributes, and that institutionalised religion isn't the only way to express spirituality. It got me thinking on another Stone Roses lyric, from 'Breaking Into Heaven': "How many times will I have to tell you/ You don't have to wait to die/ You can have it all anytime you want it/ Yeah the Kingdom's all inside". Brill!
Posted by: Simon | 15/04/2006 at 12:14
help! some horrible family member has taped over my manchester passion tape . can anyone help?
Posted by: nicola usher | 17/09/2006 at 20:18